Just airing my frustrations of finding a project only after it's been seemingly inactive for quite a few months. Really just wish anything more implicative than a vague maybe slavery and one line of dialogue could get a bit farther than demos. That said, this is still really vague and only as far as three lines of dialogue, but it worked for me. As for actual complaints;
The lack of leveling is actually a bit easier for my preference of losing through simple mistakes; there are a few games I had to leave a save near the beginning of the game or even rush to zones to be as low-levelled as possible. I'm so adapted to RPGMs that it's very hard to ever lose them unintentionally.
The escape parts I'm half/half on; it is nice conceptually and execution isn't the worst but it was lackluster. Rather than being reset to just the beginning I'd like to see a few randomized elements or easier paths being closed off for failing; with them staying closed out from subsequent captures. This might annoy some people, but those types would just Save often and Load upon any kind of loss anyway?
Would've liked a few variant CGs rather than just the one static. Just seems kind of wasteful to not make variants.
Would've also enjoyed a bit more care on background elements, suspiciously human shaped silken objects, more 'environmental storytelling' of travelers getting caught up.